Nicholas Leland

Exploring the domains of Machine Learning
Version v0.1.0
Author Nicholas Leland License MIT


Here are some things that i've built! :D

ASCII Diffusion

Pictures are defined as Arrays (LxWx3 for color, LxWx1 for grayscale) in which each value is a range of 0-255. What if rather then representing colored pixels, we instead trained a diffusion model around individual ASCII characters. In a similar vein to how diffusion models currently learn underlying object definitions, perhaps our model could learn to understand the core values of ASCII art, such as edge definition, shading, and key characteristic identification.


DistortionML was my attempt to solve the problem of image distortions and to explore whether or not a machine learning model could determine if image transformations were present based on the underlying representation of pixels within an image.

While this project wasn't exactly successful in that sense, it id allow me to pursue some interesting ideologies within image manipulation. The fundamental that I built this project on involved first, having to define image transformations. Refreshing my calculus at the time, I thought it would be interesting to define transformations as mathematical functions. We would generate a Vector Gradient Field based on a multivariate function. For instance,

\[ f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2\]

would represent a simple cone function. After defining several functions, I then created a dataset by cloning the ImageNet dataset and applying a specified transformation to every image within the dataset, following the YOLO localization format.

The next step for this project was to pursue the idea of a machine learning model to learn functions from images . This would be derived off of something like a 2-Dimensional Taylor Series model, starting to lean towards the Universal Approximation Theorem. I do tend to continue to evaluate this, but I think that likely it is not within my grasp of technology to develop.

Jax Facial Emotion Recognition

I completed an MIT course on Applied Data Science which ended up being a bit of a let down, but it did give me the baseline for this interesting project. While most of the assignments were very boiler plate like, for the final project, I decided to go off the rails and build a CNN from within the Jax/Flax library. This was quite an enjoyable experience, after dealing with the sharp bits of Jax (;

RD2L Pricing Prediction

I previously enjoyed playing Dota 2 (Invoker/Tinker Main btw) and many of my friends continue to play. Many partake in a league known as RD2L, an amateur Dota 2 League. The most interesting aspect of this league is the way that teams are generated. There are two sign ups, Captains or Players. Captains are given an amount of currency based on their MMR (Match Making Rating, A Dota 2 skill level evaluation, similar to ELO) and then must bid directly on players with a live auction system. I developed a model that would take different aspects of the current league and statistics about each individual player, and give a predicted price for that player. Captains would then be able to use this information in order to help quickly evaluate whether or not a player was under or over evaluated and bid accordingly.

Supra Wing Project

Presentation Slides Google Sheets

For my Capstone Project for my Mechanical Engineering Degree, I designed and theoretically tested an aerodynamics component for my 1988 Toyota Supra. This was a really fun project, I had always been interested in Computational Fluid Dynamics and this gave me an outlet to apply my education to a personal passion project.

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About Me

Hello! This is my personal corner of the internet where I will chat about different aspects of my life, things I find interesting, and my current projects! I was fascinated by Mechanical Systems and pursued a degree in Mechanical Engineering. While exploring Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis, I was introduced to Linux through OpenFOAM, an open source software to perform CFD analysis (typically gatekept behind very expensive software) but requiring a Unix based operating system to run. After learning the ropes behind Linux, I started to grow curious to the world of software, where my only real experience previously was on small Robotic systems throughout my High School Robotics Club.

The initial Deep Dive into software was a very interesting experience, I learned initially through "How to Think like a Computer Scientist" which did a phenomenal job of sparking my curiosity behind the potential applications for the programming fundamentals that I learned. If anyone that I talk to today wants to learn or understand programming, this is my goto suggestion.

While I continued on my journey to learn about software, I quickly ran into the typical x machine learning discourse which sparked my interest. I found the AI Data Scientist Roadmap through which I began to follow. I have since just about completed this roadmap and continue to work on personal projects (as well as trying to break into the field)

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If you want to check out some more information about me, please feel free to take a look at my resume. You can always reach out and chat (links at the bottom) and discuss if I'd be the right fit to help on your application.

Download PDF

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This website is a fork from Oskar Wickstrom's, The Monospace Web project. If you like the design, please thank him!!

The full source code is here:

Also the ASCII cats are currently not generated by my ASCII model (this is a work in progress). Currently they are from The ASCII Art Archive. Credit goes to the respective artists.

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